Monday, January 21, 2008


Turkish post and telephone offices are easily recognizable by their "PTT" and "Turk Telekom" signs. Major post offices are open from 8:00am to 12 am Monday to Saturday and 9:00am to 7:00 pm on Sunday. Small post offices have the same hours as Government offices (see below). Poste restantePoste restante letters should be addressed "postrestant" to the central post office ("Merkez Postanesi") in the town of your choice. It is only necessary to produce and identification card when collecting your letter. This service is for sending and receiving documents from other countries. Fax OfficeFax service is available for sending and receiving documents from other countries. Valuable DispatchThis service is for sending valuable belongings or important documents. Other PTT servicesIt is possible to exchange money at some PTT branches at the current international exchange rate. International post orders and travellers cheques can also be exchanged. An express postal service (Acele Posta Servisi -APS) operates from Turkey to 72 other countries for letters, documents and small packages. Stamp collectors will be delighted with the wide range of special stamps available from the philatelic section. International subscriptions are also available. Phone callsThe most economic way to telephone in Turkey is from a PTT telephone booth (Found in all towns). Telephone cards are available.

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