Sunday, January 20, 2008


Source: Important Bird Regions of TurkeyNatural Life Protection Foundation Ornithology is an observation sport, which maintains the identification of the nature from views of the birds. Birds, which are the best indicator of a healthful environment, are present within all kinds of life ambient. You can perform bird observation nearly every where such as desert, forest, steppe, marshes, parks within the city. Both season and time of the bird observation (ornithology) is not limited; it can be done for 365 days and 24 hours. 450 kinds of bird species are registered until today. Monitoring and understanding of birds, is the most intelligent way to observe our natural environment at the same time. Birds, which are very sensitive to the environmental conditions, can be the prior messenger of the matters such as forest loss, damage of marshes or usage of excessive agricultural medicines. Under this concept, bird observation is among the elements of detailed and healthful environment protection strategies.Total number of bird species within Turkey is equal to the bird species within whole of the Europe. One of the most important factors that our country is rich in connection with bird species is having plentiful marshes and the other one is it is on the important bird immigration roads. Bird observation stations and observation towers are established within important marshes of our country (Manyas, İzmir, Göksu Deltası etc.), and progresses in connection with ornito-tourism had performed. Important passing points of bird immigrations, seen especially during autumn and spring months within our country, Istanbul and Çanakkale Straits, Eastern Mediterranean (Adana, Hatay, Gaziantep) and North East Anatolia (Artvin, Rize, Kars). North East Anatolia region has an important potential especially in connection with preying birds. For example, in North East Anatolia, You can only face with Lyrurus mlokeesiewiczi in Georgia and in this region. Especially marshes on the bird immigration roads have important potential in connection with birds. Bird observation (ornithology) is rapidly widespread within Turkey during recent years. Currently "bird observation groups" had been established within various cities. Groups are sharing information and registries related with their performed observations under Internet environment.

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